Is Your Job Stressful?
Occupational stress has been defined as a “global epidemic” by the United Nations’ International Labor Organization, and it’s increasing. What does this quiz say about you?

Stress Quiz

Answer “yes” or “no:” I …

1) Am irritable, tired

2) Have little to say

3) Have no leisure activities

4) Lack autonomy, support

5) Lack challenge, feelings of accomplishment

6) Forget appointments, deadlines

7) Have insomnia, headaches, colds

5 or more “yeses” suggest you may be stressed.

Manage Stress

  • Seek challenges at work and pursue meaningful leisure activities.

  • Engage in positive self-talk. Say, “I’m OK just as I am…” Realize you don’t always have to prove something.

  • List job energizers and stressors. Focus on positive responsibilities; intersperse stressful activities with short breaks and rewards. Avoid unnecessary meetings and delegate.

  • Keep problems in perspective. Failures can be learning experiences.

  • Rejuvenate yourself using strategies like meditation. Sleep at least seven hours.

  • Eat well, exercise regularly, develop support systems, and play.

  • Consider a job shift or professional consultation.

  • Refer to “Questers Dare to Change Your Job and Life” for additional suggestions: